A review by bookbriefs
Ties to the Blood Moon by Robin P. Waldrop


This is your classic werewolf v. vampire story with a twist. Well actually, with more than a few twists. The story will keep you on your toes, that's for sure. There were some things that I really liked about this story and some things that kind of bugged me. Let's start off with the things that I liked, because I did end up enjoying this book. :)

Gen is a really cool main character. She is strong, and a little impulsive at times, but she has the best intentions in her heart. And of course, there are two guys that like her. I will say right off the bat that I am 100% team Joseph. William is nice and all, but there is just something about him that does not seem genuine. He always has his guard up. Joseph on the other hand, is totally genuine and you can really tell that he cares about Gen. Plus he is a total nice boy next door, and that seems to be my weakness. I am holding out hope that in the next book, Gen wakes up and gets on board the Joseph train. haha. I think they would be such a cute couple.

Luna was hit or miss for me. Half of the time, she seemed like a really great friend, but man does she have a temper. One thing goes wrong and she is at Gen's throat blaming her and saying that she hates her. That would really annoy me if I were in Gen's shoes. It is almost like she is bi-polar; either super loyal, or really mad at you. But overall, I think that she does care for Gen and wants to be there for her.

Ties to the Blood Moon is a good book. The story is interesting and although it is predictable at parts, there are so many twists and turns that at least one of them should take you by surprise. I did think that it was a little rushed in places and sometimes maybe too much was going on. But overall, the writing was good, the story baseline is interesting and I am intrigued to find out where the series is going to go next.