A review by anniemariek
Starclimber by Kenneth Oppel


This book has a gorgeous cover. It's cooler in real life. It managed to be pretty without alienating boys, which is a rare find these days.

I just...don't know what to say about this book. It's beautiful. It's exciting and crammed with suspense and exhilarating and emotional and just plain cool. And it's also kinda funny. What more could you ask for in a book?

I love the main characters, Matt and Kate. They make an interesting pair--they're each lovable on their own, and have their own personalities. But together, they're unstoppable. Romance writers: take note.

Kenneth Oppel is a master of writing emotion. He grabs hold of his readers' hearts, and then breaks them into tiny pieces. Then he waves his magical writing wand and makes it all better again. (Or sometimes the other way around, like the ending of This Dark Endeavor.) Sometimes in the space of about four pages. He did this to me again in Starclimber. I was getting close to writing a rather strong letter to the author...but then he pulled something awesome out into the story and made me realize that my reaction was, in fact, exactly as he intended. New Year's resolution: spend an hour each day balancing an Oppel book on my head so maybe some of this skill will diffuse into my own writing.

My only complaint with this book is with Tobias. I wanted to learn more about him, but I never got to. I kept waiting for the big reveal, but it never came. Still, this is only a minor problem compared to the rest of the story.

This series is awesome. Recommended for, uh, everyone.