A review by beckyschwartz
Almost Perfect by Susan Mallery


Ok I think I hated this book. Or at least I hated Ethan. Vehemently. He was just awful in some really specific and infuriating ways. But I couldn’t give it any less than four stars. I think maybe I loved Liz. That balanced out my hate for Ethan. Loved her, hated him.

The book was almost redeemed by a moment at the end where someone in a crowd suggests that Ethan doesn’t deserve Liz and someone else responds something like “if we all married who deserved us, there’d be loads of single women.” It almost made me feel better about how terrible I thought Ethan was and how I feel he never really redeemed himself. I wish Mallery had just made him a little less horrible from the outset.

I did finish this book in a day though, so if nothing else, that should recommend it enough.