A review by ejimenez
Ingathering: The Complete People Stories by Zenna Henderson


This is a charming and engaging SF collection about a group of aliens called "The People" who end up as refugees in Colorado in the early 20th, and it's lovely to read stories about people being kind to each other and taking care of each other. Apropos given our current political situation - these "illegal aliens," who are literally from outer space, are often feared or hated by the US citizens they encounter, but when they are welcomed (and often even after they've been mistreated) the aliens are consistently caring and generous with their gifts, and help however they can. The stories could have used more diversity, but I give them a pass given that they were written between the 50s & the 70s.

When read all together, there is some repetition of themes and of encounters, but to be honest, I didn't mind.