A review by bookdrgn
I Love The 80s by Megan Crane


This was an interesting take on the time travel trope. Jenna’s a character many can relate to. Broken-hearted, plodding along in life and harboring a long-time crush on an untouchable celebrity. Who hasn’t been there?
She needs zest, drive, and ambition, maybe a little organization wouldn’t hurt either. She has a crystal-clear memory of all things Tommy Seer and a lot of eighties knowledge which help her navigate the decade when she finds herself thrust back there in the body of her favorite Aunt.
I enjoyed the body swap element, though it would have been great to also read Aunt Jen’s experience in Jenna’s time.
The references to the eighties were sparse but more realistic than the bubble-gum version many books take. Grittier and relevant to the plot.
It took a couple of chapters to become immersed in Jenna’s world but once I did, I found it hard to put down.
Tommy was a typical rock star at the beginning, arrogant and cruel, taking advantage of Jenna’s crush. As she gets to know him, his hidden depths begin to show, and Jenna realizes her childhood crush was superficial.
Their relationship progresses and Jenna is living many a fan’s fantasies.
But the shadow of Tommy’s death lingers. There are clues and it’s not too difficult to figure out what’s going to happen, but it’s still fun to read.