A review by dreaj
The Lieutenant by Kate Grenville


Read for 52 Book Club Challenge 2023 #15 Set in Australia.

Loosely based on a true story, this tells of the life of Daniel Rooke, an outsider who grows up to be an astronomer, joins the Royal Marines and travels on the 1788 First Fleet to New South Wales. Whilst there he befriends and records the language of the Australian Aboriginal people and regrets following orders to go on a revenge expedition to kidnap/execute 6 of those people. Following a legal trial, he then spends the rest of his life in Antigua freeing slaves.

Whilst interesting history, this was a slow-burner in the extreme that never really got going. Some of his story and internal wrangles are told in excruciating detail - others, like the trial and his time in Antigua are just skated over. Perhaps because of the isolated nature of the protagonist, it all felt a little distanced. Finished it, but wasn't gripped.