A review by linzreadz13
That Secret Crush by Meghan Quinn


*Sigh* these Knightly brothers are everything!

I just wanted to reach into the pages and give Reid a giant hug. He struggles with self esteem ever since he and his best friend, Eric, had to close their very popular restaurant when their business partner, stole all of their money. Now, estranged from his best friend, he is back home in Port snow trying to figure out who he is now, and what to do with his life. Eve, Eric's twin sister, has been off limits even though Reid's feelings are real and strong. Even though Eric and Reid aren't the best of friends anymore, it doesn't make things any less complicated.

The road is not easy for Reid and Eve but it is absolutely worth it. They are the perfect match for each other. While it took them a while to realize that they couldn't live with out the other, it is so enjoyable watching them come to terms with it and watch their journey to their happily ever after.

I am so in love with the town of Port Snow and the entire Knightly family! August can not come soon enough so I can get my hands on That Swoony Feeling, Brig's story! While I can not wait to read Brig's story, I have to admit it will be bitter sweet having to say goodbye to this series after the final book.

Grateful to have received a complimentary ARC copy to honestly review.