A review by wc4
The Last Second by Catherine Coulter, J.T. Ellison


2.75 to 3*. I enjoy the Brit in the FBI series. This might not be the best in the series, but still fairly enjoyable, though.

This time, it's Michaela and Nicholas on vacation, but forced to cut it off to help rescue their friend Grant. He's in the security team for this French Billionaire who owns a Space-X type company and also is an avid treasure-hunter. This billionaire's yacht just vanished off the radar. Coincidentally, the same space company is helmed by Dr Nevaeh Patel, who is determined to detonate a nuclear EMP in space and usher in a new age with the Numen (aliens she believed saved her life while spacewalking outside the ISS). They found out that the treasure hunt and the EMP are interconnected. So, our dynamic duo jets all over the world in a race against time. .

One thing in this book did give me pause though. Nevaeh is in a same-sex relationship with her bodyguard, Kiera, who helps her in her evil schemes. It has echoes of that "gays are evil or psycho" trope. To be fair, though, their sexuality and relationship is mentioned but does not really define their characters. And, also, there are gay people who are criminals in real-life. So, I'm not saying writers cannot portray LGBTQIA+ folks as bad or mentally unstable. It's a fine-line though. It's also probably not something straight readers really notice. But, just being honest here, reading it did make me a bit uncomfortable.

Having said all that, I know the point of this story is the action, adventure, and the continuing relationship between the 2 MC's. Yes, it delved into the progression of Nevaeh's mental state with her back story. It's interesting to give the readers a sense of her motives. But, in the end, it's not written to be a psychological treatise.