A review by rebeccabateman
One Is a Feast for Mouse: A Thanksgiving Tale by Judy Cox


I've been searching for some quality Thanksgiving Season children's books ... because, I know this may sound hard to believe but, there aren't many choices. This one, though, may be a winner. It MAY be a winner. I bought my copy used through Amazon. When it arrived, my children gathered around my knee and we began to test it's pages. Being a used copy, I expected a little wear and tear, but cute little "Amy" simply wrote her name on the inside flap. The pages were perfectly crisp and clean...Good job, Amy! Your parents have clearly shown you the correct way to handle a book!

The story is quite cute (though slightly repetitive...I will allow for some of this in children's books) and the pictures are sweet. The story builds up to a climax as we worry about what will happen to this mouse when...

Augggggh! Bad Amy! Bad Amy! Why have you ripped out the final and most important page in this most promising book?

Until further notice, I have assumed the best ending and based my rating on how I think this book should end.