A review by truebookaddict
Breathe. Breathe. by Erin Sweet Al-Mehairi


This fantastic book is a collection of poems and tales of abuse and horror, told so brilliantly only by someone who has firsthand experience. Get ready to feel every range of emotion while reading. From fear to intense anxiety to shock, and even a bit of laughter. This book will touch your soul.

The author touches on the all to prevalent issue of domestic violence. Gut wrenching horror and sorrow to read such powerful narratives of these experiences. She also visits our most deeply seated fears, of what we create to cover up the horrors in our lives.

Certainly not my most favorite or the biggest standout, but definitely one that took me by surprise was Earl Grey Tea...not what I was expecting. This poem is the art of the quick change.

Those who love The Twilight Zone will enjoy Lunch Served at Noon. The one that really had my nerves on edge...The Madness of the Woodpecker.

So many standouts in this collection. Really too many to mention them all individually. Just read it, is all I can say. The experience will be unforgettable. I promise. If you like books that make you think, and that make you feel everything, then this is the one for you.