A review by ooohshereads
Beautiful Secret by Claire Raye


After a misunderstanding with both Aiden and Julia, they start developing a friendship that moves into a relationship. It was cute and I enjoyed the banter and playful manner between the two. It’s a nice change to have the heroine as the star and the hero as the “normal person”

Instant chemistry between the two, both had feelings for each other but because of their work relationship and positions all was made harder. They both made mistakes and it was hard for them to work through the early stages of a relationship in secret.

We get to see the life of a movie star through a heroine who loves acting but not the celebrity aspect. The press hounding her and not having any privacy. Being away from home and being surrounded by people who only care what you can do for them.

We see the life of a production assistant, the good and the bad. Wanting to be respected and how because of your role you may not be treated seriously. Someone with big dreams and amazing script writing talent, learning to believe in themselves.

The relationship felt real and natural. They are both an escape for each other. This was a beautiful and raw look into how hard it is to build a relationship when you have no privacy at all. It was a beautiful story that had me in tears.
This really did surprise me as I’m not a fan of insta love but I liked it here.
This still had angst and it really shines alight on Hollywood and it’s horrible practices. I liked the writing style and the flow of the duel POV. To see the story from both sides really elevated the story.

Even though there was not chapter title ‘ epilogue’ the last chapter still nicely tied the story together.

I really did enjoy this.