A review by mandyherbet
The Rejected Writers' Book Club by Suzanne Kelman


I fear that this title was one of those submitted by the members of The Rejected Writers' Club and only published by mistake. Or perhaps Ms Kelman took her outline and published it by mistake before she filled it out with details and realistic characters and dialogue.

Because, reader, it's awful. So awful. I persisted because I wanted to believe it would get better and then I persisted because I felt the need to share with you how awful it was so you could avoid it and save your precious reading time for other books. Books that have a fleshed-out story line instead of scenes that make little sense. Books that have realistic dialogue instead of weird drifters telling ghost stories in awkward dialect that is impossible to read and mildly offensive.

The Rejected Writers' Club is a group of weird women who write books and send them to publishers with the sole purpose of getting reject letters and collecting them. They invite the local librarian to "join" them (I'm not sure why because she is wholely unlikable and quite a snob) and then one of their manuscripts gets accepted and ROAD TRIP! Except there's also the daughter of the librarian who's pregnant with twins and needs her mother (which is supposed to be weird) and a whole host of otherwise cardboard cut-out characters.

In short, this could have been a good book if someone who could write wrote it. Every sentence is the same length at times and the language is unrealistic and awkward. There is way too much exposition and too little action (all tell and very little show). Apparently this is the first in a series and I really hope Ms Kelman gets a better editor for the next.