A review by bloopbloopwilson
Extinction by Lisa Smedman


Overall this book isn't bad. It's the 4th book and it leads nicely into the 5th book. There are some glaring problems though...

Quenthel is not a moron. She is the Mistress of Arach-Tinilith which is a very high ranking place in Menzoberranzan. It's comparable to Gromph's position as Archmage. But to compare their characters in this book, they make Gromph look like an absolute genius and Quenthel as a bumbling buffoon who couldn't tie her shoes without the help of her imp-bound whip giving her step by step instructions and possibly tying themselves to demonstrate it for her. Quenthel is a very irrational character but in this book she can't seem to make even the most obvious decisions. Another this that wasn't great about the book is Ryld and Halisstra relationship. It grows by leaps and bounds with a page of dialog between them. It just seem too quick to be really happening.

But these are just my negatives of the book. Its well written and even though its just kind of a filler book it doesn't feel much like one. The fight with the wyrm was great and Halisstra's.... change (too keep it spoiler free) felt genuine and true to her character. And it took most of the book for her to truly accept it as part of her self (unlike Ryld which she fell in love with quicker than the road runner under an anvil). All and all this book isn't half bad. There's a good amount of action and it leads you nicely into the next book.