A review by sparklingreader
Shift by Jeri Smith-Ready


If you liked “Shade”, you’re going to love “Shift”. Actually, I liked Shift even better than the first one. I thought Shade was a good book, but enjoyed this one so much more.

A quick recap – any children born after The Shift can see ghosts. People born before cannot. Ghosts appear as violet apparitions. But if they turn “bad”, they become shades, dark spirits who make those who can see them sick. The main character, Aura, was the first child born after the Shift. Her friend, Zachary, was the last child born before the Shift. They are tied together somehow, but neither one knows exactly how. Aura definitely has feelings for Zack, but there’s a problem – Logan – Aura’s boyfriend, who died on his 17th birthday and is now a ghost.

This book starts exactly where the first one left off so it is a true sequel. Logan is still a ghost and still trying to find himself. He does finally “grow up” by the end of the book and do what is right for Aura and not just himself. Aura splits her time between helping Logan prepare for his final concert and searching for the answer to her questions about her birth and her father. She and Zack have an on-again/off-again relationship that reaches a peak at the prom. They eventually settle their differences but it takes a lot to get there, especially on Aura’s part. Logan’s shifting from ghost to shade doesn’t help matters, instead only making things more difficult for Aura.

The story has mystery, kidnapping, action, angst, and more as Zack’s father develops cancer, much like Aura’s mother did. The mystery of how his father and her mother knew each other continues to deepen as well as their connection to Eowyn, their mentor. Zack is there when Aura finds out the truth and helps her deal with the fallout. They also discover a unique quality that each possesses – and can share – with the other.

We learn a lot of answers in this book and I can’t wait to see what new adventures “Shine” brings to this series.