A review by ccgwalt
Beau Crusoe by Carla Kelly


11/8/20 - Just finished rereading this and raised the rating to 5 stars. This book is such a pleasure to read, so full of characters you want to spend time with. There is also real humor here, along with serious subjects and situations without easy answers. I highly recommend it.

Beau Crusoe surprised me by being a serious look at PTSD. James had been shipwrecked on a deserted island for 5 years after being set adrift in a lifeboat with four other men after their ship sank. As the book progresses, the story of what happened to James and the other men is slowly revealed. We do know fairly early on that James is a troubled man, with several idiosyncrasies due to his trauma. There is humor in the book, as well as gentleness, but the book is not a lighthearted historical romance. Susannah makes a wonderful counterpoint to James, and has quiet strength without seeming too perfect.