A review by ameserole
The Lost Dogs: Michael Vick's Dogs and Their Tale of Rescue and Redemption by Jim Gorant


Now I sort of knew about this whole situation but at the time, I didn't really dive into the investigation to know more about it. Mostly because when this came to light, I think I was in High School.. and just worried about boys, soccer, and friends. Oh and books - can't forget about them!

That being said, I was really intrigued to dive into this book. I'll even admit that I cried my eyes out. So this book dove into the actual fighting and then into their foster lives. It was quite a shock to see both sides and definitely took my an emotional roller coaster ride. Hence, the tears.

Being a dog lover, I never got into the idea that dogs are born aggressive. It just isn't true and rubs me the wrong way every time someone says it to my face. I believe that a dog is only aggressive due to the owner. So if the owner is aggressive then I would assume that the dog would follow. Now that doesn't mean it's one hundred percent accurate but I have two Doberman Pinschers and, of course, everyone thinks they will be attacked by them.

Since I'm an asshole I always say 'Sorry, not today.' just to get them out of our way. My dogs, basically huge puppies, are just so lovable. They loving playing and people petting them but if they say a comment like that - well, I just walk away and don't let them pet my damn dogs. Sorry that you missed out on some awesome dobey kisses.

Now going through the emotional train, I enjoyed each and every story that was in this book. It nearly broke my heart that some dogs missed being saved weeks before it actually happened. If only they had waited to do this dirty deed.. or if the cops and such showed up earlier. So many dogs could still be around and learning what true love is.

Ugh, my heart is already starting to break right now. Overall, this book was so good and I'm so happy that I got to dive into it.