A review by claire60
The Book of Queer Prophets: 24 Writers on Sexuality and Religion by Ruth Hunt


An important book where many different LGBT people write about their own relationships with their faith, a mix of faiths is included alongside a range of experiences including many who have been ordained and then cast out for being LGBT. Some are moving including the Mpho Tutu van Furth Archbishop Desmond Tutu's daughter, Jarel Robinson-Brown who both write eloquently about being ordained Black LGBT people who are then cast out. There is also an excellent essay from Jeanette Winterson on fundamentalism and binaries that makes some really important long overdue points about extremism and 'othering'. This book is moving, enlightening and vital to ensuring that LGBT people of faith find their space in the world.

With thanks to net galley for a free ARC in exchange for an unbiased review.