A review by ruth_miranda
Raven's Cry by Dana Fraedrich


I'm really bummed I wasn't the right reader for this book, I so wanted to have loved it! It's a Swan Lake re-tell, and I'm a former ballet student, so I dove at the chance of reading this, hoping to find the same eery, otherworldy magical ambiance of the ballet libretto here in this book. Alas, it was not to be. The only thing in common is that some girl has been hexed by an evil wizzard into bird form, only retrieving her human form at night. This book has a steampunk vibe to it, and honestly, I0m not a huge fan of steampunk novels, so it didn't help my liking either. The plot was also very predictable, and I was unsurprised by the plot twists, as I had seen them coming from afar, but maybe that's just me - maybe I would have written them the exact same way and this is why I was not taken by surprise! But I can see that fans of this subgenre will absolutely love reading this book, I am just not one of them. The writing style is not for me, sadly, and the voice didn't resonate with me, nor did the characters or the story. Still, it is a well written piece, that will deliver to the right reader.