A review by a_reader_obsessed
Stay with Me by S.E. Harmon


3 Stars

Dubious at best.

The blurb doesn’t lie to you.

Mac is a private investigator. He’s kinda a slacker who’s really his own worst enemy as he’s unable to move on from a recently failed relationship and makes questionable choices in his life, the main one falling for a client who’s engaged.

To. A. Woman.

I wouldn’t typically read such fare but this is SE Harmon and the gal can write. There’s no lie about that.

So just prepare yourself for Mac being unable to stop himself from pursuing Jordan, and Jordan cheating on his fiance who he hired Mac to prove she was cheating on him first (which she was). The constant struggle to stay away from temptation, not being able to say no, and an inability to really talk about issues and feelings run rampant for both these men.

I shook my head and cringed because it was just this side of uncomfortable and straddles the line quite often, and romantic purists may balk hard.

Regardless, Harmon knows snark. She definitely knows UST and smexy smex.

Mac and Jordan obviously have an intense addictive connection to each other despite how hard they deny and ignore so many things, and they do eventually get a strong HFN. Uh, where’s my fucking epilogue?!

Narrated by Michael Stellman, he doesn’t do voice distinction which can make the listen a bit difficult but the emotions and nuance were spot on. Again, this was far from a home run, but the good stuff eked out a compelling enough read despite all my niggles.