A review by krisrid
The Arcanum by Thomas Wheeler


This is an AWESOME book!! It combines well-written historical fiction with a suspense thrill-ride that will keep you racing through the pages to find out how it all ends!!

The author does a terrific job of taking what we actually know about the personalities of the historical figures who are the main characters in the story - Arthur Conan Doyle, H.P. Lovecraft, Harry Houdini, and Marie Laveau - and adding to that the appropriate behaviours that are needed to move the plot forward.

The four main characters are part of an ancient society known as "The Arcanum" and when the leader of the group dies under mysterious circumstances, and a relic of inestimable value disappears, they fear that bad things are going to happen - and they do! Bizarre and brutal murders begin to happen in New York City, and Conan Doyle travels there to bring back together the other scattered members of the Arcanum to try to stop the carnage and best those responsible. But they won't be able to catch the perpetrators by normal means, and the police will just get in the way.

Add to the fascinating main characters, the really cleverly conceived storyline, the setting of early 1900's New York City as the location, and an evil plot to . . . well, you'll have to read the book to find out what the evil is plotting - I don't do spoilers. But the story is well worth reading! There is excitement, suspense, conspiracies, unexpected betrayal and a climax that will have you on the edge of your seat.

Considering this is the author's first novel, I would say he knocked it out of the part, and I would definitely check out any future books from Thomas Wheeler. In the meantime, if you like historical fiction and/or suspense thrillers I recommend this book to you - it has all of that and more. Fantastic read, highly recommended!