A review by lissyiszy
Blood and Scales by Melissa Simmons, Bobbie Palmer, Luke McCallin, C.L. Matthews, E.C. Hibbs, Jacinta Maree, J.K. Radalyac, Allana Kephart, Victoria Escobar, Susan Burdorf, Heather Clawson, Ruthi Kight


Worlds on Fire by Victoria Escobar
Extremely quick paced and entertaining. Easily immersed into the story. The plot sort of skipped vital information which I wish had been included but overall, I found it enjoyable.

DarkFang by Heather Clawson
If you like story-telling in a story, then you'll like this. It didn't quite click for me because the pacing was too slow for me.

A Dragon of a Life by Bobbie Palmer
I really wanted to like this story but I found it extremely unbelievable no thanks to the cliches. In my opinion the writing needs work and I got confused at some parts.

Fortuna's Fall by Susan Burdorf
Interesting adventure but not as much dragon as I'd like to see till the end. I didn't really care about any of the characters as I'd like while reading.

Rise of the Wyvern by Ruthi Kight
A good intro to a story but I wished there was more or at least a more satisfying ending. I could see myself reading more of this story.

Throne of Dragons by Jacinta Maree
There are some formatting errors in here but I like the world building the author is doing with this story. I liked how this story had a full arc but the pacing felt a tad slow for me.

The Vision by J.K Radalyac
Quick pace but I'm not sure how I felt about the multiple point of views for a short story. I couldn't find myself as invested in the characters as I'd like while I read.

Royally Screwed by C.L. Matthews
At first I thought this was a historical story but it ended up being more modern which I liked but would have liked that established earlier. The end! Oh my! I really want to know what happened afterwards. lol

The Silver Guardian by E.C. Hibbs
I thought this was a fun little adventure with a nice full story arc. I loved the sibling relationship. The build up is good and worth reading it to the end.

The Redeemer's Child by Luke McCallin
This story read interesting enough with a religion mixed in the story. I couldn't quite get into the story as much as I had hoped.

Overall, a must pick up if you love dragons! You'll get them with every story! It's not often I read anthologies that focus solely on dragons. I loved reading the different takes of them as some were viewed as benevolent and others malevolent.

3 out of 5 rating for me!

(A copy was provided for an honest review. I was not compensated in any other way.)