A review by booknooknoggin
The Dead That Walk: Flesh-Eating Stories by Stephen Jones, Weston Ochse, Robert E. Howard, Kim Newman, Ramsey Campbell, Richard Matheson, Joe Hill, Joe R. Lansdale, Yvonne Navarro, Stephen King, H.P. Lovecraft, Michael Marshall Smith, Clive Barker


Like any book of short stories it had it's ups and downs. Some stories were very good, and others were very dissapointing or down right dumb. I was very dissapointed by the Joe Hill story that technically wasn't about zombies at all, but really about actors who play zombies in a popular film by Romero. There was also a Of Mice and Men" story that was really stupid. They seemed to spread out the crap stories though out the volume, but the really good ones seemed to be in the center. So that's why I rated this 3 out of 5. Not a book for everyone as some of the zombies are not the traditional Romero ghouls, so if you choose to read this keep an open mind.