A review by browniydgrl1
Giovanna by Victoria Arrow


Sex and violence and bloodshed, oh my! This was not my usual read so I wasn't sure how it would be for me, but wow was it...I'm not even sure how to describe. The premise was very interesting to start. Lots of mafia politics that were hard to relate to and had me frustrated throughout, right there with the MCs. Lots of lust and power dynamics. precarious situations, action, murder, attempted murder, assault...Oh, that reminds me, be sure to read the trigger warnings. I read this book pretty quickly. I was invested right away. I really enjoyed the alternating perspectives. The variety of characters were well defined. The author did not shy away from the spicy stuff. The second half of the book had me up all night to finish. I think this kind of story isn't for everyone but if the description sounds like your thing, I highly recommend.
I received an advance review copy from BookSirens for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.