A review by 3nmeinob
The Last Whalers: Three Years in the Far Pacific with a Courageous Tribe and a Vanishing Way of Life by Doug Bock Clark


A review I had read that led me to this book discussed the beauty of its writing first, the crafting of the story told, and the rare skill of description wielded by its author, and that the narrative, though incredible, and the reporting, though truly timely and exotic, were even outshined by the gifts of Doug Bock Clark.

For the most part, I concur; this is a gorgeously told story by a master craftsman, but I would argue that the story itself, and most important the characters in the story are clearly what inspire the beautiful writing. This is a human story - a story about humans navigating the world around them - navigating relationships, family, expectations, traditions, opportunities, social judgements, aspirations, and change.

Once I started, I wanted to be reading this tale whenever I was not, and when the final pages were all I had left, I found several reasons to stop reading simply so that it would not end. I miss the characters. I want to go back. Thank you, Mr. Clark, for taking me to Lamalera.