A review by kikib_123
Kiss Me That Way by Laura Trentham


I received a copy of this book from a goodreads giveaway. I would definitely suggest adding some sort of trigger warning for abusive relationships in this book. There are definitely some heavy topics weaved in this storyline that impact all of the characters throughout. Having said that, Laura Trentham handles these topics beautifully and really pulls you in to feel what these characters are feeling. Not to mention she does a wonderful job showing how things like alcoholism, abusive relationships, and other family issues create a wide variety of struggles and how each of these things can indirectly impact those that you care about.
The book begins with a rather intense scene that helps set the tone for the rest of the novel and really opens the reader up to the relationships between the characters. You understand the characters life struggles, their draw to each other, why they seek each other out for protection. And then throughout the novel you see how these forces between the main characters shifts, how power shifts, and how working through their life struggles together brings them closer.
I love how the characters emotional status is lightly outlined for the read, it was incredible to see their growth throughout the novel and see their walls and barriers breakdown. It makes you as a reader feel as if you are on this journey with them. There are a wide variety of characters in this book from both the Mississippi (high class) side of town and the Louisiana (“swamp rat”) side of town and by the end of the novel you feel emotionally attached to each of their life circumstances and invested in the outcome of everything. Even when characters were acting crazy, like when Regan decided to spray paint the wall like a crazy person or when Cade shows up to an event unannounced, you may not agree with their actions, but you understand the driving forces behind why they are doing what they are doing. And the juxtaposition of the two sides of town and how they feel about each other, interact, etc. was a great element. There are struggles on each side that are similar but different. The characters and their actions felt very real, the storyline was amazing, I only have great things to say about this novel. (I only wish things had concluded at the tomato/crayfish festival because that was built up only to be left hanging)
I also was a big fan of how the steamy scenes between the main characters were portrayed. The author did not have to use vulgar or overly explicit language for you to understand the passion between the main characters and for your imagination to take off. The progression of their passion and how they act on it was also very realistic; I didn’t feel like these scenes were forced or moving too fast like in many other novels. And it kept with the southern theme of using decent/proper language rather than vulgarity. And god damn Cade is the biggest tease and it was amazing.