A review by justagremlin
The Long Walk by Stephen King, Richard Bachman

Did not finish book. Stopped at 25%.
You know I said I didn't DNF books much, but I REALLY do not like Stephen King writing characters that are children. I was only like 20% in and I had seen enough. The concept is interesting so it makes me sad that I couldn't finish it. But seriously within the first PAGE. THE. VERY. FIRST. PAGE. We're commenting on the main character's mom's tits. Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? And this is just the first of many times we get "Men Writing Women Syndrome." And it's just very very very very icky to read and gross and bad and I can't even write grammatically correct sentences anymore. Also, I can't speak on the rest of the book obviously but it was getting a bit repetitive. 

They walk. They banter. Sex reference. Someone gets shot.
They walk. They banter. Sex reference. Someone gets shot.
They walk. They banter. Sex reference. Someone gets shot.
They walk. They banter. Sex reference. Someone gets shot.

Again I can't speak on the rest of the novel, I only stopped 20% in.

Recommend to: If you think the concept is neat and can suffer through "men writing women syndrome"

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