A review by sarahinreaderland
The Gift of Darkness, by Valentina Giambanco


I got my hands on this book as a free download from Starbucks so I have to say my expectations weren't high. I jumped straight into it without having looked into what the book was about but was hooked fairly quickly. I didn't read it all in one go; I put it back and came back to it a few times but the moment I picked it back up I was engrossed as though I hadn't put it down.

I loved the character Alice. She's such a strong woman and is extremely good at what she does, even if it means not following the rules every now and again. If Alice was a detective where I lived I would be happy and feel extremely safe.

There is a lot of detail in this book and it's extremely visual (some parts aren't for the light hearted in my opinion) but one thing I wish was in more detail was the character's backgrounds. Having finished this book I want to know more about Madison, Cameron, Brown and Quinn. I was to know past in more detail and I most definitely want to know what happens to them next. If there was to be a Madison/Brown series I would definitely read the others.

This was something different to what I usually read however I really enjoyed it and I'm so glad I picked up the free download with my caramel hot chocolate :)