A review by postitsandpens
Places No One Knows by Brenna Yovanoff


You know, Brenna Yovanoff used to be a given in terms of me liking her books, but the last two have fallen a bit flat. While I did ultimately like this one - and would probably lean more towards 3.5 stars if we had the option here - the book was pretty slow and I kept waiting for it to get to the point. The paranormal aspect here (astral projection, if you're curious) was kind of just used to get the two main characters speaking to each other, and not much attention was given to it in terms of WHY it was happening. If it were me, and I was suddenly showing up wherever a certain other person was, I'd want to know what the heck was going on, you know? That being said, the point of this book was definitely more "coming of age" than I'd been expecting. The characters' growth throughout the book WAS the point, which was fine, but I do wish I'd known that upfront before I started reading so I wouldn't have expected something the book wasn't ever going to deliver.