A review by lynseyisreading
Come As You Are by Theresa Weir


Come As You Are Or Whatever

You know, the title here is kind of apropos - Just come as you are, wear whatever the hell you want, don't really try to look good or impress anyone. Whatevs. Who cares?

That sums up the amount of effort I feel went into making this book stand out in any way from the minefield of other books just like it. And it is a minefield, in that there are a few rare flowers that are actually good, and the rest totally bomb. Although, it actually does look good, doesn't it? That cover is very striking. Sadly, the filling is a lot less impactful.

Similar to all a lot of New Adult titles, COME AS YOU ARE, features a main character who's a little emotionally messed up due to some things that happened in her past. We join Molly's story on the day of her father's funeral, and quickly find ourselves watching her drink herself into a drunken stupor - public vomiting and all - and having to be helped home by a stranger. A stranger who turns out to have a rather unsavoury and off-putting connection to her, which totally deadened the romance for me.

There aren't really any other major plot points I can pick out after this - not because of spoilers, you understand, just because there weren't any. The plot was very weak and almost totally uneventful.

Also flat and lacklustre were the emotional scenes - and you know how much I love those normally. They just did nothing for me here. Whether because I hadn't been made to care about the characters (who weren't particularly likeable anyway) or because they were poorly executed, it's hard to tell. Or muster up the energy to care. Really, I can't think of a single way this book wasn't disappointing. Except for the cover.

High five, cover dude!

2 Stars ★★
ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.