A review by booksaremagic
The Two-Income Trap: Why Middle-Class Mothers and Fathers Are Going Broke by Elizabeth Warren, Amelia Warren Tyagi


Read this book for the survey/research data. It's compelling and some of it is counterintuitive. I like the chapter that gives families some tips for how to conduct their financial lives better with the new insight gained from that data. Much of the advice in the book is about changing policies, laws, school systems. That part fails to capture my attention but then again I am a cynic when it comes to large systems and institutions.

I love Walden by Thoreau and Gandhi's thoughts on the quality life, so I am inclined to think favorably about less-is-more: in this case, fewer earners in a family equaling more financial flexibility especially in times of emergency. I also love staying at home and educating my own kids (although I am currently in the outside-the-home work force). For people who have not considered a one-income family or have not considered ways to tone down the rat race, this book might provide a helpful alternate point of view.