A review by kathydavie
Death's Mistress by Karen Chance


Dorina is one kick-ass girl! A little too inclined to act without thinking but loyal to her friends. At this point, Mircea has Cassie "under his thumb" and the ley-line races are underway (just to bring it in line with the Cassie Palmer series).

Claire has fled Faerie with her 9-month old son after a series of assassination attempts and the loss of a royal family rune which would have protected her son from death. She takes refuge in her old home with Dorina who combines looking for the royal rune with a simple job for Mircea. Only, as usual, Mircea hasn't told her anything about why he really wants this job accomplished.

And it is a mess...politically, murderously, guilt-ridden, and full of revelations for Dorina.

Fascinating range of characters with a torturous political path to be twined. It's amazingly violent and homey all at the same time...