A review by corrie
Sideshow by Amy Stilgenbauer


Sideshow by Amy Stilgenbauer has been lingering in my to-read pile for quite some time but that was partly because I read a whole slew of her shorter stories first and I wanted to save (and savor) the bigger one for last. I’ve already read the short story (The Fire-Eater’s Daughter) this was based on. Read Shira Glassman’s (another wonderful author) marvelous detailed review because I can’t possibly express myself any better than that.

Needless to say I really enjoyed the whole 50ies carnival setting, the side-show characters and the sweetness between Abby and Suprema. The evil ex-boyfriend was a bit over-the-top. The romantic scenes are fade to black but that fits the time-setting. A wonderful read!

Themes: Italian heritage, carnies, side-show, nonna’s life lessons, family, once you are with us we have your back, freaks and outcasts.

4.5 stars