A review by lockmm
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern


This review originally appeared at Blogs Like a Girl: http://blogslikeagirl.com/book-review-the-night-circus/

Rarely does a book come along where you wish that it was all real. The Night Circus is one of those books. Detailing the life of a circus, and make no bones about it, the circus is very much alive, The Night Circus revolves around the people who are connected to it from the founders to the entertainers to the guests who visit it. It’s not so much about the people – in fact, it never truly explores the people very deeply – than it is about the birth and life of the circus itself.

It’s hard not to be cliche and describe The Night Circus as anything other than magical. There’s vibrancy to it that a lot of novels lack. Normally, I dislike books that are all world setting and no plot building – again, the plot is extremely light – but in this case, it works. Unlike Shades of Grey (which is another world-builder, light-plot book), The Night Circus does have a direction to it. It is ostensibly about a duel between two magicians, but again, there’s so much more to it than that.

The Night Circus is just gorgeously written. There are endless quotable passages. Honestly, I wish the Night Circus was real and I could go there. Supposedly they’re making a movie out of it – a script is being written which, knowing my luck, means it’ll never get out of development.

There’s really not much else to say about it. It’s a rare, gorgeous book.