A review by katdid
All the Paths of Shadow by Frank Tuttle

Did not finish book.
Recently I was in a Walgreen's in Albuquerque and while I was paying the cashier a guy came up to ask if they had any face masks, and then started telling me how there was something wrong with the carburettor in his truck and the fumes were making him nauseous as if it was part of a conversation we'd already been having. Reading this book was kind of like that - I felt like I'd started in the middle of a story and was expected to be invested in the character/s without really having any fore-knowledge. It's charming in an antiquated steampunky way but also irritating; I think Mug is meant to be an endearing scallywag of a familiar but he's mainly just there as a device to explain various aspects of the worldbuilding. Put this down around a third of the way through.