A review by piedwarbler
The Shadow District by Arnaldur Indriðason


The shadow district
A 90 year old man is found dead, suffocated in his own bed. In his bedside drawer is found a stained photograph of a young man, and a newspaper cutting from Word War 2 about a girl who was found dead outside the National Theatre in Reykjavik, Iceland.
This starts the retired detective Konrád on a journey to discover why the elderly man was murdered. Along the way, the reader is treated to lots of detail about Icelandic folklore, and what happened to the country during the war, when it was occupied by first Britain and then the US.
If you are at all interested in the huldurfolk or hidden people of Iceland (and in a recent poll, 54% of Icelanders said they believed in them), I think you’ll enjoy this absorbing crime novel.
I usually don’t enjoy crime at all, and this is the first time in a very long time I’ve made it to the end of one, AND enjoyed it.
I might even look out for The Shadow Killer which is the second book in the series!
Thanks to a book loving person on Twitter who recommended it to me when I asked for books to read on the plane to Iceland.