A review by klieber
The Season of the Plough by Luke R.J. Maynard


I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

So, first, the good: the prose in this is beautiful. Elegantly written, well-crafted and overall just a pleasure to read. The author has a true talent for beautiful writing.

That said, I dropped this book at the 43% mark because it didn’t really seem to be going anywhere. Other reviews have noted this book seems focused on world building and character development and I found that to be true as well. But it became tedious after a while as, at least speaking personally, I like a * little* more action sprinkled in to the character development.

Normally, I give any book I don’t finish one star. Giving this one three stars because the prose is just that good and also because maybe others will enjoy the character development more than I do.

It’s worth a read...as long as you understand what the book is and isn’t. This is not, by any measure, an action-packed thriller.