A review by vivsreadinglists
Now and Forever by Susane Colasanti



I've read this book in the past, which was like…. Jeez, I don't know when, but it was like around the 2014-2016? Around that time. And I didn't like it. It was awful to me. I remember reading it back then and all I said after I finished it was, “this is terrible. I would never pick it back up again.”

I'm a fucking liar. Not only that, but I'm a believer in second chances, so I gave this book another chance.

And I am writing these current thoughts down, with careful dissection after reading it, again.

So here are the thoughts I had while reading this:

1. The slang used in this book was killing me. But none of it hurt as much as the word 'swag'. I mean, way to show when this book published. I cringed way too many times at it, and I just cannot with every time any of the characters decided to use it.

2. The male main character, Ethan, is terrible. I mean, sure he was sweet here and there, but for him to not consider his bandmates ideas? His ego was way bigger than his heart. I didn't like Ethan as much as thought I would. Sure, he's sweet and a superstar, but honestly, it would be better if he was just a small town musician.

3. Sterling. She was cringy in the first 20+ pages. I had never cringed so much for a character in my whole entire life. But then I couldn't stop reading. I know I should stop at one point, but it didn't feel right. I realized that I was watching her life go on and seeing her grow as a person. Sure, she was still immature at some parts towards the end of the book, but I know I would do the same thing if I were to be on her place.

4. will I ever re-read this book again? Probably not. I've read and tabbed the pages, but I don't think I'll go back again, for real, this time.

To end this review, I will be showing some of my favourites lines from the book. Not because they're fantastic or mind-blowing, most of them are just straight up funny and horrible.

1. "Those stupid quotation marks annoyed me the whole time I was pushing our cart around. I almost ran over an old lady, I was so annoyed."

2. " I wonder why he has to wear earplugs. Maybe that's what happens when you're over thirty and still in a band."

3. "You'd be surprised at how many tech geeks are wannabe rock stars."

4. "But I secretly like the attention. What can I say? Classic extroverts like me are attention whores."

5. "Showing off swag is their way of arguing over who is the number one fan."

Okay, I think that's enough. I'll spare all of you any more of these horrible sentences.