A review by offbalance80
The Vacationers by Emma Straub


There is nothing more gratifying in a story than when characters really earn their happy ending, other than, perhaps, when well-rounded, well-written characters earn their happy ending. Straub has created a group of complex, flawed, fascinating and at times frustrating group of characters that you find yourself genuinely caring about more and more with each glimpse into their inner lives. No one is exactly what you want to write them off as being. Every careful glimpse into the inner life of each of the residents of this vacation home peels off another, more relatable layer. It can be hard enough to create one three-dimensional character in a story, but to find seven in one go is a genuine treat. I may have found the author to truly fill the Tom Perrotta shaped hole in my life (write another freaking novel, already, will you??). Also, since we still have some summer left, I will say that this book is quite possibly the perfect beach read - light enough to relax with, smart enough to keep you engaged, and can easily be finished over the length of a trip. Easily one of the best books I've read this year.