A review by waheela
A Reluctant Druid by Jon R. Osborne


A better book in the beginning than in the end. Solid worldbuilding and interesting characters.

However a few points dragged it down from what could have been an engrossing adventure.

- pacing slowed considerable down after the initiel introduction. I found myself skim in the later half of the book
- the romantic sub plot was boring, cliche and took way too much time away from the plot which literally came to a standstill due to the drama there
- shift of point of view was not consistent especially from 'the other side'. If as much care had gone into introducing them as the heroes I would probably also have been more engaged reading about them. Especially as they begin to feature heavily in the last 20 percent

Even though the story was interesting enough I wont be picking up the second book due to the above.

And a note. It ends on a cliff hanger. Which in my opinion the book couldnt bear as it was too long with too little action.