A review by adaptation1988
Feels Like the First Time by Tawny Weber


Another one that I would definitely read again! I enjoyed the characters very much. Zoe has trust and commitment issues out the wazoo, and Dex isn't your proto-typical romance hero. He's got the tall-dark-and-sizzling thing down, but he's so sweet, a grown-up pocket protector type, and you just wanna cuddle him after the really hot sex.

One thing that made me laugh really hard?
SpoilerThe bit of conversation in the post-sex afterglow, where Zoe says "Dex?" and he automatically goes "Hmm?" and then there are a few moments of silence and then he realizes he just gave himself away and goes "FUCK."
I loved that scene. So funny. Honestly, that's exactly how I would've written it myself. Weber read my mind.

I've always had kind of a soft spot for high school reunion plots, although I don't get to read them nearly often enough. I enjoyed Weber's take on it a lot. She really captured the dynamics of high school and the insecurities than can follow us after graduation.
SpoilerI also enjoyed the gaming aspect of the book, which was relatively minor, comparatively speaking, and the masked lover thing is always sexy. This book was not afraid to push the sexual boundaries, although it wasn't too over the top - just minor kinks.
It was a fun and sexy read. An excellent waste of five hours!