A review by briarsreviews
Free Fall by Genevieve Turner, Emma Barry


Free Fall by Emma Barry is one of the sweetest, feel good books of the year!

Thank you to Tamsen Parker who suggested I pick up books by Emma Barry! I can't thank her enough, because Emma's writing is beautiful and matches perfectly with my reading style.

Free Fall is about Dean and Vivian, an astronaut and the daughter of of a wealthy businessman, who happen to find themselves in a sticky situation. They are expecting a baby and they have to get married to "set things right". This story follows their relationship and the troubles of Dean's career.

This book really made me feel good - it's ooey gooey cute and isn't negative. It's the type of book you'd want to read when you are in a bad mood because it will pick you up. Yes, there's drama in this book (it's a romance novel, there's bound to be some kind of drama), but it doesn't make you feel bad. I love a book that lets me sink into it's words and feel great, and Emma does that perfectly.

I'm also so incredibly excited to see a book about a woman with a full figure that isn't solely about her weight. Vivy embraces her full figure, and isn't described as "fat". I can fully relate to Vivian - I've always been athletic, and as a child I was told by other kids I was "fat" because I wasn't super skinny like everybody else was in my classes. Being told to stay silent, be smaller, etc., just like Vivy was my life until I got older. It's nice to see the storyline develop with the introduction to her body type, but not revolve around her weight. Too often do we see differences (whether it's gender, sexuality, weight, etc) be used as the problem or plot line of the story, but this book embraced her as a person.

I'd like to see more of Dean and Vivian - I think they're characters are well developed and could definitely hold their own in a series! I'm not sure where we could take them, but they were very cute! These characters do develop and face issues in this story.

Now the big question - do I have any cons (since I've listed many pros). If anything, I would have liked the book to be longer! Maybe a little more drama or action between the couple themselves. That's my only suggestion to improve, because this was a really good book! It's a worth while read! The book was "long enough", but I could see this book including a few extra chapters and work just as well!

Overall, this book was truly beautiful! It's a nice read to embrace on a soft, summer day! I highly recommend this book and declare it a romance must-read! It's also not even close to an R rating (there are some sexy scenes, but nothing a PG-13 warning label won't cover). So if you love romance and a happy ending, then this book will be for you!

Five out of five stars!

I received an ARC copy from the author Emma Barry in exchange for an honest review.