A review by meloches
The Outliers by Kimberly McCreight


Wylie is a good friend. She has come to the rescue time and time again for her best friend, Cassie. So, when Cassie’s mom arrives at her doorstep asking her if she has heard from Cassie, Wylie knows this time feels different. Not long after, Wylie receives a text. “Please Wylie, I need your help”. This starts a whirlwind of events that takes Wylie across state lines with Cassie’s boyfriend, Jasper, and as they get further from home and closer to the truth, Wylie’s instinct is telling her something is wrong. Seriously wrong.

So this one started out all fine and dandy. I have wanted to read Kimberly McCreight’s work forever but haven’t gotten around to them. I had heard awesome things about Reconstructing Amelia but hadn’t heard anything about The Outliers. So I dove into this book without any research or reading its synopsis.

After I started reading, I realized right away that this was Y.A. If you are a regular reader at Clues and Reviews, you know this is a struggle for me. Aside from some minor annoyances with the characters and some general annoyance with the plot, I actually didn’t mind the first bits of this book. I was intrigued enough to continue reading and the plot was fast paced enough that I wasn’t feeling bored.

However, then I hit about ¾ of the way through and the plot completely flipped. I mean randomly, completely opposite direction flipped. This one went from a teenage mystery thriller to some sort of Divergent-esque supernatural/sci-fi novel without a dystopian setting.

Even with the cliffhanger ending, I’m not sure I will read any of the other books. I feel like if you are a reader of Y.A and you loved the Divergent series, this one will appeal to you. But if you are looking for a mystery/thriller, this one will leave you disappointed.