A review by wulfwyn
Death to the Undead by Pembroke Sinclair


Wow. Happy to finish it but also sad to finish it. This is the second, (and, as far as I can tell, final) book. If you are thinking of reading this book be sure to pick up and read first, Life After the Undead. You really do need to read it first. I would place this book as a YA dystopian zombie thriller. The voice is Krista, a 17 year old who loses her parents on their way to safety. We know for sure that her Mom went down from zombies. Her Dad, well, a little more sketchy. I liked that. It lent authenticity to the story. In an apocalypse you aren't going to know exactly what happened to those you love. The book is well paced. It feels like it is going along quickly but then you realize that more time past. That was another plus for me as I feel it helped me realize how Krista was experiencing things. She had no way of telling how time was really moving. Neither did I. In book one Krista had met a guy that she liked. I know, romance in a zombie book? Well, yes. Life does go on. No matter what changes some things remain the same. I was impressed with the author in their handling of the romance. Things moved slowly and there was no sex involved. The author kept the audience in mind. The same went with language. I would let a younger teen read this. There is violence and gore. I would have been greatly disappointed if there wasn't. The ending kind of raps up quickly and neatly. I was left with wondering how things would look in the future. Perhaps the author will one day decide to let us see how the rebuilding of society went. Things are not perfect now. In an apocalypse things will be far less perfect. But the future...one always has hope that the future will remember past failures while incorporating past successes to bring us to a better place.