A review by suey_library
Bro Code by Kendall Ryan


***Received an Advanced Readers Copy for a Blog Tour in exchange for an honest review***

Yoohoo! Down here! I know, that yum num of a man meat cover may leave even the strongest of women weak-kneed with some serious jilling inspiration (may or may not be speaking for myself...) but I do believe I have a semi-interesting rant worth your wondering eyes. 

Want to know one of my favorite romance tropes? Kind of like a guilty pleasure that if I see anything remotely mentioning it, it is an insta-buy?! Easy... Childhood romances, especially ones involving the 'off limits' best friend sibling scenarios. Ergo my tickled fancy for Bro Code. To say my sign up for this tour wasn't instant is an understatement, stalking my kindle and email for the mention of an ARC being delivered is grossly understated.

Oh Ava and Barrett. I am still swooning from everything - but first things first...

Barrett is absolutely my wet dream boat of man. He is charming, witty, workaholic and downright sexy. Honestly, his personality was my absolute favorite throughout. Barrett is one of those characters who just seeps out sex appeal, dripping with it yet he has a softer, more down to earth side. Ava on the other hand is the same yet slightly different. She is stubborn, driven, while she is witty and sarcastically hilarious, she has a bit of innocence to her. Personally my favorite attribute was that she was a woman in a man's world, and running it like a champ. Her perseverance was empowering. 

I say this because it leads more so into the romantic connection - Ava wasn't a lay down and ask for help kind of gal. Though she admitted when she needed help or advice, she never allowed the situation to overstep her morals or herself. 

Now on to the tidbits we all romance bingers care for - the romance. This is what I love about the trope when it is done right. I enjoy when the romance isn't just something that developed because they grew up and realized 'Well shit, he is fuckable' because no, there was always a crush. Not only this, but their romance was built on a childhood friendship, so there was trust, laughs and above all a respect between them before they crossed that line. Oh comrades, the push and pull of crossing that line could not have been any hotter. I am still fanning myself out... whew.

Definitely a favorite of mine! Kendall Ryan is quickly becoming a favorite author of mine, especially after reading Bro Code than immediately typing furiously on Amazon to find more books by, I would say I am a solid fan waving my hands like I just  don't care, screaming 'OH GIMMMMMIE...' - because what else are you supposed to do when you find an author you enjoy the writing styles from? Bro Code was light and heavy all at the same time, enough depth to the characters to where I was intrigued start to finish and above all the entire book was entertainingly delicious. I cannot wait to add more of Kendall Ryan to my TBR because I just bought the Roommates Series; don't you judge me!