A review by elysephone_escapes
Dorothy Must Die, by Danielle Paige

Did not finish book. Stopped at 44%.
According to my Libby I got 4 hours and 48 minutes in, out of 14 hours.

I just couldn't get into it. On paper, I liked the concept and its imagination, but there was something stiff and cliched about it that didn't make me all that excited to keep picking it up again. 

I also didn't really like the main character. She was a classic "my life sucks" angsty teen protagonist that starts to get on my nerves a bit now that my angsty teen years are over. She felt a bit like a cliché and she grumbled a lot. And despite having trust issues she still made dumb impulsive decisions?? (I'm thinking of the bit with the fruit - that bit didn't make sense to me). I think with a touch more compelling main girl I could have been more enthused by it, because the dark reimagining of Oz was really quite cool. 

Maybe I'll return to it one day, it's been on my to-read list ever since I saw it in Waterstones as a teenager. I think if I had actually read it when I found it then, I might have enjoyed it much more.