A review by sdramsey
Death's Apprentice by K.W. Jeter, Gareth Jefferson Jones


Before I say anything else, remember that a 2-star rating from me on Goodreads means what Goodreads says it does--it was okay. NOT terrible, just okay. Although it was quite violent and dark, I kept with this story because it had characters and a setting with a ton of potential. However, as the story progressed, it felt like the main focus was on that darkness, not on fulfilling the potential.

The writing is strong and evocative, and the storyline progresses quickly for the most part (the backstory on each new character is sort of dumped all in one go, but it's interesting backstory and presented almost as part of the narrative, so it doesn't really slow the story down). I think it suffers in audiobook form because there are a lot of fight scenes, which, when read, mostly become confusing rather than exciting.

All in all, it was not my cup of tea, but if you like darker themes, a bleak setting, and lots of action, you'll probably like this book.