A review by joans
Managing the Unmanageable: Rules, Tools, and Insights for Managing Software People and Teams by Mickey Mantle, Ron Lichty


Hard pass on this. Outdated concepts, outdated language, and all around not awesome. This book has a couple of ideas worth thinking about and bringing into our own practices of software leadership... but...
1. Every pronoun in the whole book is he. There's a preface where they defend this choice, and explain that it would have been too hard to change.
2. Despite assertions to the contrary, this isn't really a book that advocates treating everyone with respect and kindness. (which maybe should have been obvious from the title). There's a bit of lip service to treating everyone like adults, but there's also a bunch of ugly stuff about sneaky motivators and how to micromanage without seeming like micromanaging.
3. Weird bad racism about overseas work and cultural differences between programmers from different countries.