A review by booklovewithmelanie
Six Goodbyes We Never Said by Candace Ganger


3.5, maybe 3.75 stars

This one is hard to rate. While I like parts of Naima and Dew's stories, I didn't really connect with them, which I wasn't expecting at all because when I read the synopsis it was right up my alley! Girl losing her father at a young age with GAD, girl same sign me up! But sadly I didn't connect. I hated the way she treated her family and Dew in the beginning for that manner.

Overall it is a well written (even though it seemed to take me quite awhile to get through, I'm blaming the font that wouldn't change on the e-arc on Kindle) and deals with hard hitting topics. I would have liked to see and hear more about if there was more of a connection between her dad and Dew or if it was simply because Dew overheard a message and if the letters from her dad had been included that would have been a plus.

I also liked the body positive message that Naima had about herself. As long as you're proud and love yourself it makes no difference what others think or say. Another thing that I liked were the chapter layouts, we start with Naima's POV - a voicemail from her dad - then Dew's POV, almost every chapter.

Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for allowing me receive an advanced copy for an honest review.