A review by carlq
Kiss of Life by Daniel Waters


“I guess the message in the songs is that is shouldn't matter if someone moves differently, or looks differently, or talks differently. Is biotic differently. What matters is that we're all thinking beings, and if we are thinking beings we ought to be able to find common ground somewhere.”
― Daniel Waters, Kiss of Life

Kiss of life is the sequel to Generation Dead, continuing the story straight on from the events that concluded Generation Dead we explore the moments after Adam is fatally shot, sacrificing his life for Phoebe only for him to rise moments later as one of the "Differently Biotic".

Kiss Of Life explores the direct effects of someone, so full of life returning from the dead with huge physical impairments. Barely able to walk, talk or function without assistance we follow Adam who was always so confident and sure of himself in the first book, always being a huge presence both physically and emotionally as he works to question who he is now in this undead body and his feelings towards others and their safety being around him as Phoebe continues to question and explore her feelings for Adam.

Kiss of Life also takes the time to explore other aspects of the effects of Zombies, the political and legal system around those who no longer legally exist.

Overall, the Kiss of Life is an enjoyable continuation of the story allowing us to continue exploring with our characters and seeing how they adapt to their new situations. Not quite as engrossing as the first one, Kiss of Life takes much longer to reach the actual story and seems to ignore several previous minor plot points but brings much more attention to others offering an exciting conclusion that makes you want to immediately jump into the next book.