A review by kellyrenea
God's Smuggler by Elizabeth Sherrill, Brother Andrew, John Sherrill


Book 20 of 2022: God’s Smuggler by Brother Andrew

The true life story of the man who risked everything to share God’s message across borders and in nations where it was forbidden. Brother Andrew spent his life chancing death and imprisonment to help people who had not read the Bible or learned of God’s Love for them. A selfless life full of service and sacrifice teaching all who read it the full extent of God’s miracles.

“Suppose on the other hand that I were to discover God to be a Person, in the sense that He communicated and cared and loved and led. That was something quite different. That was the kind of King I would follow into any battle.”

“That’s the excitement in obedience,” he said. “Finding out later what God had in mind.”

“And so, for the first of many times, I said the Prayer of God’s Smuggler: “Lord, in my luggage I have Scripture that I want to take to Your children across this border. When You were on earth, You made blind eyes see. Now, I pray, make seeing eyes blind. Do not let the guards see those things You do not want them to see.”

“Persecution is an enemy the Church has met and mastered many times. Indifference could prove to be a far more dangerous foe.”

A must read for all ages.